Friday, March 14, 2008

Weigh In

BTW - I was 169.4 lbs

I guess that counts as five pounds lost but I'm not really sure how my scale at home compares to the scale the weighed me on at work. We'll see this Thursday.

Water. Water is the key to me not eating my arm off. I've been keeping a food diary and tracking calories and fat grams. Whenever I've done this before, I'd eat just the lightest of light meals (I thought so anyway but there seemed to always be cheese involved!) trying ever-so-carefully to keep my count low through the day so I could eat a decent meal at night. Then I'd be so hungry I'd shove anything down my gullet.

Drinking water has helped the hunger A LOT. I start my day with coffee as usual. I make sure I have a low-fat breakfast that's around 200 - 250 kcal. By the time I get to work I'm done with coffee so I switch to water. I have a one liter Dasani bottle sitting on my desk all day and I fill it up at least three times if not four. It has totally eliminated my need for any type of mid-morning or mid-afternoon snack. Awesome!

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