Friday, March 21, 2008

Thursday Weigh In

I was *so* excited to do a weigh in this week because I really felt like I was making serious progress. I've been drinking 3 - 4 liters of water a day, I've eating right and I've averaged nearly 10K steps a day.

Weight went UP this week. 169.8

HOWEVER, my little magic scale that tells me how fat I am in other ways besides pounds. My percentage of fat went down and my body water content went up. I never recorded what those number were so I don't know exactly what the change is, but I will from now on because those numbers will come into play more than weight I think...uh, except now I don't remember exactly what they were. I think my percentage of body fat went from somewhere around 40% to 38% and water content went to 47% (should be 50% or higher).

Plus, my aunt is coming to visit any day now. I can tell because I ate like there was no tomorrow last night after bowling. Cheerios at 11:00pm. And garlic bread with buffalo meatballs on top. Sometimes ya' just gotta go with those sorts of things.

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