Wednesday, February 27, 2008


One thing I need to work on - really hard - is eating meals at home more often.

I have the "take-my-lunch-to-work" thing down pretty well. Most days its a can of soup and some crackers. This addresses two things, frugality and weight loss.

I have the weeks that the kids are home down pretty well. Mostly because its just darn expensive to feed five people at a restaurant. Even if we just hit the BK Lounge it costs over $25. (And I can't STAND having my kids drink soda with dinner.)

Its those the kids aren't here and wouldn't it be nice to hit 'The Winchester' and catch up with everybody nights...and the bowling night...and the meet G at Lucky Lab at 4pm afternoons...and the Friday night we must go outs....and the hey its half price sushi night let's go...and the - well, you get the picture. We can easily eat out five out of seven nights and not even blink an eye.

My hubbie (oh man, as in HUBBA-HUBBA *wolf-whistle*) is a very social creature so the Friday nights thing has to stay. In fact, I can rationalize each and every night out with no problem whatsoever. I mean, if they serve TATOR TOTS at the bowling alley, I HAVE to eat them simply because that's the only place I ever see them on the menu. That makes sense right?

I'm going to tackle this goal like I've done the budget one...I'm going to write down each and every time we eat out, what "the occasion" was and how much we spent. I'm going to do this for six months then sit the man down for a serious talk.

He's bound to be shocked by how much we spend - and how effin' fat I am by then.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008


Remember that sunrise I was talking about an hour ago? Now its completely foggy outside! Rolled in out of no where...means its going to be another sunny day when this burns off - yay!

Staying on track

I found out last week that my employer is offering a fitness challenge of sorts. The winner is determined by changes in body fat and inches, not just weight. I signed up, I get weighed and measured on Thursday. The fact that I'm fat will be official. I'll have twelve weeks to change behaviors I've been practicing for the past year into habit.

OMG it's a gorgeous effin' sunrise out there!

I managed to get another hour walk in yesterday during lunch. These no rain days are really handy. The rain is a huge reason why my state's obesity rate is in the top five in the nation. It's depressing (the rain) and people comfort themselves by shoving food down their gullets. And drinking, with me its definitely the drinking. I'll bet that if I could stop drinking, I would magically lose thirty-five pounds; but who wants to be sober 365 days in a row?

(Watching the sky this morning is really awesome...)

I bought whole wheat pasta and Ahi last night at the grocery store. I managed to squeak the ww pasta by the hubbie last week. Now I'll have to get it past the kids. I planned on making tuna casserole only with the Ahi seared instead of tuna from a can. (OMG GOOD!) I don't think I've ever made tuna casserole for the kids. I made it for the ex and his reaction scarred me for the rest of my life. (A88hole)

(The sky is goddamn amazing!)

Goals for this week:
  • Drink 84 ounces of water each day (Monday - didn't quite make it, only 50 ozs.)
  • Cook at home way more. For me this means more than twice in one week. I KNOW! We are really bad about staying home those weeks the kids are at their dad's. We just like going out. However, its expensive and its making me fat. Well, me eating is making me fat but the going out isn't helping.
  • Walk each day
I'll report back later...

p.s. the sky show is over. Goddamn it was a good one.

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Of birthdays and ice cream cake

My party was a success. I've got leftovers, but by design - they're relatively healthy! :D I bought Baja Fresh and now I have masses of salad, rice and beans. Lots of salsa too - though I really need to stay away from the chips.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Better sleeping through exercise.

I've only gone two days in a row, but I'm already sleeping better after restarting my walking routine. I fall asleep quickly now instead of lying there staring at the ceiling.

Yesterday I had to testify. I was only up there a total of five minutes but the apprehension of having to do it at all interrupted my sleep cycle Tuesday night. Last night (Wed.) was much better and I didn't start tossing and turning until nearly 5 a.m.

I totally ate good stuff for me yesterday...until cake time. Every month our office celebrates birthdays with a cake and ice cream. I had Kix and banana for breakfast, Campbell's Select Pasta and Pepperoni soup for lunch and an apple for a snack. THEN CAME THE CAKE. Dang, it was good though. I topped that off with Chinese food - two plates! Though I tried to stick to the broccoli and green beans - there I go with the portion OUT of control again! Don't forget teh slice of carrot cake.

Did you see the lunar eclipse? Totally cool!

Wednesday, February 20, 2008


GOOD THINGS: I managed to brush, floss, drink 64 ounces of water, walk for an hour at 3.2 mph, eat dark chocolate (1 small square - for my heart ya know!)

BAD THINGS: I managed to polish off a bag of shrimp chips, have pizza for dinner (2 slices!) and eat on ice cream I bought for "them"

I am so in denial about portion control!

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Enough Already!

Holy cow - my jeans are tight and walking today almost killed me. I've completely undone all the progress I made - ending up exactly where I started out around my birthday LAST year. I swore I'd "look and feel younger than I ever have" by my next birthday. Well, that didn't happen.

I figure if I write this stuff down maybe I'll do better. I'm going to use this to track my exercise, eating habits and behavioral changes. I'm a hedontist at heart which is probably why I've only made little baby steps towards where I really want to be. I just like smokin', drinkin', and screwin' around TOO MUCH! I'm lazy...

Teh fatness = blech!