Thursday, February 21, 2008

Better sleeping through exercise.

I've only gone two days in a row, but I'm already sleeping better after restarting my walking routine. I fall asleep quickly now instead of lying there staring at the ceiling.

Yesterday I had to testify. I was only up there a total of five minutes but the apprehension of having to do it at all interrupted my sleep cycle Tuesday night. Last night (Wed.) was much better and I didn't start tossing and turning until nearly 5 a.m.

I totally ate good stuff for me yesterday...until cake time. Every month our office celebrates birthdays with a cake and ice cream. I had Kix and banana for breakfast, Campbell's Select Pasta and Pepperoni soup for lunch and an apple for a snack. THEN CAME THE CAKE. Dang, it was good though. I topped that off with Chinese food - two plates! Though I tried to stick to the broccoli and green beans - there I go with the portion OUT of control again! Don't forget teh slice of carrot cake.

Did you see the lunar eclipse? Totally cool!

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