Sunday, March 23, 2008

Happy Easter!

I was doing so well with my 10K steps a day...til Friday. I got home and hadn't even hit 4,000. I had to pick up my son from camp and we ended up eating at the BK Lounge. Once I'd eaten my garden burger (no mayo) and side salad, I ended up on the couch feeling a nap trying to overtake me. By the time Hubba-hubba came home I was in a funk. So I forced myself out the door and took a walk. When I got home I was in a much better mood, so we went out for the night.

Now I like going out if I get a chance to sleep in - theoretically - but my eyes auto-open at 7am no matter what I do. I stayed home all day Saturday and cleaned house. I didn't get 10K steps in, but the energy I expended cleaning must count up to something.

We had our fourth CD challenge meeting last night and I didn't drink at all. Had five friends over, they all got trashed but I drank water. It worked for me. We stayed up late, some of us later than others (I gave in to the sleepies at 2am - Hubba-hubba stayed in the hot tub 'til wee morning hours) and again I was wide awake at 7am this morning. I'll so be ready for a nap later....

So, I'm getting it off my chest now that I realize I won't get 10K steps in today and I will probably eat more than my allotted 1500 calories today what with dinner at my parents and dessert at the chocolate will be around. Yesterday I found dark chocolate peanut M&Ms. OMFG! WHAT ARE THEY TRYING TO DO TO ME?!? I'm not a big candy eater however dark chocolate is my weakness. Thank goodness I'm pretty much done with run of the milk chocolate after 3 mouthfuls. I'm just confessing now that I'm finishing up my week with a total downhill slide. *Sigh* I will have to really concentrate next week on meeting all of my goals.

10K steps per day
Less than 1500 calories per day
Make dinner at home at least five nights
Drink 4 liters of water each day

That's not much to worry about is it?

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